Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Education, Tehran University

2 PhD Student, Department of Psychology and Education, Tehran University

3 PhD Student, Department of Psychology and Education, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of student perceptions of teacher quality on learning approach. For this reason, 250 students (150 males, 100 females) were chosen randomly from students of Engineering Faculty of Tehran University and completed the 36-item scale of perceived learning environment (Taylor and Fisher and Fraser, 1996), short-form approaches, study skills and learn (Antvysl and Ramsdn, 2000). For the analysis of correlation a regression analysis were used. The results showed that the relationship between individual communication components, reflective thinking, interactivity classroom with deep learning and strategic learning strategies is significantly positive and with surface learning is negative. Relationship of support with deep learning is positive and with strategic strategy is negative and significant. Relationship between leadership with deep learning is positive and with strategic learning is negative and significant. Empathy also has a negative relation with surface learning.
