Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Faculty of Art and Architecture / Yazd University

2 PhD student in yazd university

3 Documentary and Architectural Studies of Iran, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University


Architecture discipline has always faced the integration issue by contemplating on that, which can be explained in the sense of the integration of multiple knowledge in the field of architecture, as well as the integration of theoretical knowledge in the situation of practice. This old dilemma manifests itself in architectural curriculum planning as well as in design studios. On the other hand, “rhetoric” has been known throughout history as an architectonic art. Relying on the theory of rhetorical situation, which is an explanation of the position of the rotor in practice, the problem of integration in architecture can be reconsidered. Based on this reconsideration, it can be declared that the mechanism of integration in rhetorical situation is achieved in the dialectic of theory and practice (in practice situation) and in human self being. By understanding this, the assumptions governing the architectural education system are modified and practical solutions are suggested.


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