Document Type : Scientific - Research


Professor of Geo-Engineering,College of Engineering,University of Tehran


Following the establishment ofIran’s Engineering Education Association, executing a mechanism for accreditation ofIran’s engineering education programs became a priority in the action plan. These assessments led to the foundation of an independent organization for the country’s engineering education accreditation. The main responsibility of this organization is to verify the efficiency of country’s engineering education programs. The efficiency of an educational program is measured on the basis of the capabilities and outcomes acquired by its graduates. The prerequisite of any accreditation process is the internal assessment of the program by the educational institution itself. Internal assessment starts with defining the objectives of programs and courses according to students’ learning outcomes. Then, assessment methods are selected and using them, appropriate data is collected. The final stage of this process is to transform the collected data into information that can be applied to improve the program. Internal assessment has a cyclic and constant nature and the feedback from each stage affects the subsequent procedures. The result of internal assessment is a completed questionnaire that will be submitted to the accreditation organization along with the required documents. Internal assessment can be assessed by the accreditation organization only when it is done in a standard fashion. The purpose of this paper is to propose a practical paradigm for internal assessment of engineering education programs inIran. When legislated, this paradigm, which has been compiled on the basis of the outcome of popular paradigms in the world as well asIran’s needs, will be used as the approved paradigm of the Engineering Education Accreditation Organization of Iran.
