Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Faculty of railway engineering, IUST

2 Master's student of entrepreneurship, University of Tehran



This article examines the use of Metaverse in the field of higher education. Metaverse refers to the world of virtual reality in which users are able to communicate with other users with the help of 3D images, it also examines the benefits and potential challenges of integrating the metaverse in academic environments and types of metaverse including augmented reality, life logging, world Mirror and virtual reality and their applications are discussed. The benefits of using the metaverse in higher education provide new opportunities for social communication, promote creativity, and provide new learning experiences through virtualization. However, this research presents limitations such as possible drawbacks in social communication, privacy concerns, and the challenge of integrating metaverse experiences with the real world. To implement the metaverse in educational environments, professors should analyze students' understanding of the metaverse and develop platforms that prioritize data security. As a result, Metaverse offers possibilities to transform higher education by providing a unique virtual environment for learning. Of course, careful consideration of its advantages and limitations is necessary for successful integration into curricula.


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