Document Type : Scientific - Research



The human being of this time and the walfare states which monitor the general well-being will not bear the delirious unequality and destroyed and gloomy deprivation of ignorant and unaware of nations, and will not easily approve these unequalities. New the developed countries and developing ones have reached to this result that in knowledge and information age, scientific and technical progress will not accomplish without information, the man power capacity in using sciences. Technology, and information is an effective factor in gaining the material wealth and social walfare.
Undoubtably, the life in Technological age is dangerous; without a little bit enjoyment of Technological around us and information is necessary for cautiousness, awareness and consciousness. This remark means that the states hould prepare the background of scientific and technical researches, control and direct their ways. Ndoubtably, without communication and information, research and development are unconceivable and their developed dreams will not reach fulfillment.
Information is a sevenfold complex phenomon which its comprehensive and impediment definition is not given.
In this discourse the common mode of information is summarized by means of communication, distribution, accessibility and using from knowledge, wisdom, decision, management or research and development, production, industry, education, authorship and writing.
It enemorates theories discovery, explanation and defining of prediction of phenomena, idea of the transition of the existing for development; phenomena interpretation or transformation of materials in to other materials and user use. Users belive that management is synonymous with decision and a precise decision dependsupon true and up to date information.
Technology comes from the interior of profession which is prior to science and seeks various methods for better production.
By definition, Technology is a firm system of information and its needs for a production.
The writer enumerates the technological characteristics by summary and shows three interfering factors. Finally, it is explained the transitional methods of developed countries and their success in transition and show vividly their priorities and their three parts of technological transition.
