Document Type : Scientific - Research


Assistant Professor, Zanjan University


From the protocol of design studies, information is obtained of the third semester (B.A) students of University of Tehran in a two groups of interactive training and creative to jointly work on a same architectural design. The data are used to develop and analyze expertise model design process production. Data protocol design and expertise model to identify four various cognitive strategies are used. Solution-driven strategy, problem-driven, data-driven and knowledge-driven activities, repetition of the skill and the results of the evaluation of judges as the overall score and creativity are compared. The results show that the designers who take the solution-driven strategy gain overall scores and scores of high creativity and the students in using problem-driven gain low overall scores and almost high scores for their creativity. The data-driven students gain relatively high overall scores and lower scores for their creativity. To assess reliability, a second group with a creative approach in teaching students the cognitive strategy is analyzed. The results are comparable with the first group, especially in the solution-focused strategy; the creative solution-driven strategy is closely related. In this paper empirical evidence gathered from different strategies and strategies designed to yield the quality of the results (solution concepts) are related by the designer interest.    
