Document Type : Scientific - Research


Professor Faculty of Engineering and Technology Tarbiat Modares University


The present paper introduces one of the most important engineering works of Islamic civilization written by the prominent Iranian mathematician and engineer named Karaji in the fifth century­/­eleventh. AD entitled exploration and Extract of Hidden Waters (Inbat al-miyah al-khafiya). This paper aims to show this fact that after nearly a thousand years of writing this book, how parts of the book as a historical record and portions of it as an introduction to the scientific debate on surveying classrooms, directly or indirectly, can be used. For this purpose, Karji’s book exploration and Extract of Hidden Waters is considered. The surveying tools described in the book is briefly introduced. Then, two instruments invented by Karaji, namely a calibrated plumb level for surveying and its chain and stave, and a dioptre - like leveling instrument are explained. Karaji gives a complete description of them and demonstration of theorems for their use. It is shown that by using samples and examples contained in the book, new scientific issues for students of civil and surveying engineering can be designed and explained. Finally, materials and discussion points that can be used in the classrooms are suggested. At the end, Karaji's problem concerning calibrating the level is also mathematically formulated and described.
