Document Type : Scientific - Research


Assistant Professor of Curriculum at Department of Education, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman


Curriculum development and changing it is one of the main challenges in various fields of studies and has different approaches and outcomes. However, systematic approach to curriculum development, due to its systematic nature, is more effective than other approaches. Increased content of knowledge in the field of engineering education, needs to use the best approaches to select the best curriculum. In this paper, first we examine the curriculum and systems approach to it and then we described this approach in engineering education’ curriculum development. Models introduced in this field indicates that the curriculum planners of engineering education in curriculum subsystems such as input, process, output and feedback and revision require to consider the various factors to achieve the best results in the designed curriculum. These models are helpful to develop better curricula for various courses and majors in Iranian engineering education and provide good ideas for curriculum developers in engineering education, in order to replace the traditional approach with more effective approaches in the curriculum development.  
