Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Administration & Educational Planning, School of Education and Psychology, Shiraz University

2 PhD, Student, Department of Administration & Educational Planning, School of Education and Psychology Shiraz University

3 MA, Student, Department of Administration & Educational Planning, School of Education and Psychology Shiraz University, Shiraz University


The main objective of this study was checking the role of social capital in promoting entrepreneurial readiness of engineering students in Shiraz University. The method of this study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical society of this study included all engineering students of Shiraz University. The statistical sample in this study was 103 student that were selected among available sampling method. The data collection instrument was entrepreneurial readiness questionnaire of Omenyi & et al (2009) and social capital questionnaire of Gu & et al (2013) that their reliability was calculated respectively, 0.77 and 0.74. After the calculated of validity and reliability, the instruments was distributed among the participants and then the data was analyzed thorough single-sample t-test, Pearson correlation and structural equation modeling. The results of single-sample t-test showed that the social capital and entrepreneurial readiness in engineering students, were higher than acceptable levels (Q2). Pearson correlation analysis showed that there is a significant positive relationship between social capital and all of its components with entrepreneurial readiness, and job readiness. The test results of structural equation modeling using LISREL 8.8 software, showed that social capital, is a significant positive predictor of readiness entrepreneurship among the students of engineering.


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