Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Associate Professor, University of Tarbiat Modares, Faculty of Art and Architecture Tehran, Iran.

2 Ph. D. Student, University of Tarbiat Modares, Faculty of Art and Architecture Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD Student, Tarbiat Modares University


This paper investigates the changes in the rate of architecture students understanding of structural bases via common teaching methods and a new suggested teaching model. Thus this research specifically aims to achieve the answer of the following questions: 1. Is there a significant difference in the rate of students` understanding, concerning the specific teaching methods? 2. Does modeling the successful constructed projects have a noticeable effect on learning the structural concepts? And does this method make a significant difference in learning in comparison with discourse and speech classes? 3. What are the students and teachers view of teaching methods? Are their ideas close to the research findings? The research method for this paper is based on Field Trial studies. The outputs considering (PResults show a significant increase in the rate of students` learning by the use of natural principles in comparison with other teaching methods. Meanwhile, results suggest that modeling the successful constructed projects does not necessarily affect the students` perception of structural concepts
