Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Professor of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 Instructor, Department of Physics, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran.

3 Instructor, Islamic Azad University Central Branch, Tehran, Iran.

4 Institute for Programming and Educational Book Publishing, Minister of Education Curriculum Development Center, Ministry of Education, Tehran, Iran.


The history of physics concepts is the study of nature and natural phenomena. In this paper, the of views of several ancient Iranian scholars and philosophers, who in many centuries have been known for their vast scientific research and outlooks in Iran, will be discussed. These points are matter, space, time, motion, light (with emphasis on optical tools, reflection, refraction, rainbow, …), and subjects such as astrology and astronomy (study of astrolabe and observatory, …), calendar and chronology, music and sound, science of measurement (time, weight and scale, density, …) earthquake, weather (rain, snow, lightening, …) and magnetism. These studies are purely described through today’s physics and natural studies of the older days. One should bear in mind that their views were more of a philosophical approach rather than purely scientific. We hope to shed a light on the influence of ancient Iranian scholars on physics and natural studies for our contemporary scientists.  
