Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 MSc Student in Structural Engineering at Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Borojen, Iran.

2 PhD student in Islamic theology at the University of Qom, Qom, Iran


As essential today as in the past, communities need to focus on the important principle of morality in social development, consciousness, mobility, responsibility, justice and self-improvement so as to derive help from these principles to determine and explain the position, duty and relationships between people in the world. The Engineering community is one of   many communities that have grown because of the growth of science in the modern era.  So today, these people play an important role in directing the movement of these ships of community as captains in the ocean of Immorality. So, first it is necessary to   study the complex cognition of morals then using this information in the communities where engineering is the leader. In this paper, a comprehensive definition of morality and its different types are expressed using the Holy Quran perspective. Finally, an explanation of engineering and its


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